Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Syd The Kid

I'm backkkk :)

I'm so sorry it's been months since I last posted on this blog. My laptop has been unusable since April but I am getting a new one soon. I finally moved into my friend's place in Laurel so I'll be closer to work yay! It's crazy how I've been there a year and a few months, my how time flies. Unfortunately a few girls that used to work with me no longer work at Hooters. One of our girls Stephanie retired her shorts last Friday she shall be missed, however it's for a good reason she is going to Law School so that's always a bonus haha.

Speaking of which for some odd reason I haven't been getting a lot of shifts. I mean I know I'm part time but I used to get 4-6 shifts a week now I'll be lucky if I get more then 2. I don't want to sound whiny but quite frankly I don't like how the girls work shifts are being scheduled. One of our old managers is no longer working with the company would schedule us equally. Now our new scheduler doesn't do that he basis's his shift scheduling decisions on favoritism which isn't fair. especially for the girls that have been here longer. It just blows my mind how practically all of the girls that work at my Hooters never want to work night shifts. I however didn't think we had that option you work when you are schedules to work. Unless there is a legitimate reasons for not doing so there should be no "Oh I hate nights I am just going to request off on all night shifts."

On another note football season has officially started I love wearing the jerseys! I personally like the referee jerseys better but that's just me haha. Also Halloween is coming up and we all know what that means.....HOOTERS HALLOWEEN COSTUME CONTEST!!!! I have been looking forward to doing it since I started working there. I couldn't participate last year because I was at school but now I transferred to a school that is closer for the time being. I need some costume ideas for the contest and for general party use. So far I have school girl, nurse, and military. The school girl thing is only because my nickname at work is Syd The Kid and we have another girl named Patricia who is nicknamed Pattie The Teacher. So I thought it would be amusing. I only chose Syd The Kid as a nickname that was the only one that rhymed and was flattering haha Sydney kidney is stupid and gross haha. So I need some ideas people comment below until then blog on bloggers!