Saturday, October 15, 2011

This Friday Night!

So yesterday was my first Friday in almost three months, for some odd reason everything just had to be out of whack that day. Not only did my panty hose not fit which is surprising because I didn't know hoses could NOT fit someone. Then the waist line for the panty hose kept falling down every 5-8 minutes so I was constantly running in the back or the bathroom to pull them up. I was having a downer day but didn't want it to interfere at work and I guess a few sad faces slipped out because some of our customers asked what was wrong. I kept reassuring them it was nothing...clearly it was haha. My regular Glen finally came back after two weeks of training for his new job yay him! He really made me feel better and the customers that night were really kind and nice so I had a good shift.

I realized that the best way for me to stay out of trouble is to focus entirely on my job and nothing else. Sure I can chit chat every once in awhile. I just can't do all this girl bonding haha it's just not a successful event for the most part...or at least for me anyway.

I've decided that my costumes this year are Newspaper Girl, Army Girl, and either either Harry Potter or Indiana Jones still deciding I might end up being a Butterfly or Fairy.

Well that's all for now later days =D

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Costume Idea's

Bonjour Everyone!

So I have to have three different costumes two for the Hooters Costume Contest. This year I'm going to be a school girl and military. The school girl is only because my nickname is Syd the Kid and one of the girls who works there is nicknamed Pattie the Teacher.....slapstick humor gotta love it haha. Those are just for the store I probably won't wear them out to parties or anything not really I don't think haha. My big question is what am I going to wear FOR Halloween. I thought about going simplistic or maybe really do something different.

I'll keep you guys posted on ideas!

Au Revoir

xoxo Syd the Kid

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Birthday Girl!

Syd The Kid(Left) Swan(Right)
Syd The Kid (20)
So it was my birthday yesterday I am officially j'ai vingt ans that is french for I am twenty years. Haha yes I use French any opportunity I can get. I'll talk about that later don't worry ;)

So I was working a golf promo in Pasadena, MD with a few of the girls when we arrived it occurred to me none of us have ever worked a golf promo before. So I think I spoke for everyone when I say we were just awaiting orders, because if we tried to do this on our own we would have been as useless as a broken beer mug. There was a a contest going on down at hole four whoever got a hole in one on their first try won a brand new car I am pretty sure it was a Toyota Corolla. I thought it was a awesome looking car for the pure fact it was red and shiny haha. Shannon and Tammie were positioned at hole 2. Whilst Swan and I were at hole 4. I thought it was a good advantage to gain favor with the golfers if we actually knew enough of what we were talking about golf wise. For instance how to old a club, how your body should be positioned, how many yards the hole course was, which club to use, and lastly keeping track of other players score on the hole. Swan did a great job keeping the happiness level up haha. We received a lot of compliments for being knowledgeable about golf I use this in basic terms. In other words we knew enough to not look like total lent heads.

We had to sell raffle tickets, hand out chips, and beer the issue being we didn't get raffle tickets till later not many people wanted chips because they already ate. We couldn't serve beer because the woman never brought it to us. Now as far as I've known with the little promo experience I have or have witnessed we don't normally get tipped for promos as in it's not expected if we do good job if not whatever. We didn't sell a lot of raffle tickets because they had already bought a lot before arriving to our hole. We couldn't do much for the golfers which, were mostly men but I don't want to be gender selective because there were a few woman as well, except just do what we normally do keep them smiling and entertained. We must have done a good job because I didn't see one grumpy face the whole time. In fact a few of them had a swing a few balls I had to help swan with positioned and how to hold the club because she had never played any type of golf not even putt putt. We did it from Lady's T as well now during that try I look behind our golf cart and what do I see but a random turkey on the path. I think I was the only one who just really wanted to chase that turkey or hit it in the head with a golf ball.....terrible I know but well haha tough luck. The turkey had been on the course for a few days now one of the girls who works there told Swan and I. A few of the male golfers chased it too haha. Swan and I were forever known as the turkey chasers and girls who swung.

I had a great starting birthday all day at the course the golfers were telling me happy birthday so I thought that was nice. Although I wish I had a sash so that way I didn't have to keep telling people haha. I did notice something that unfortunately I wish I didn't. Faces are slowly becoming a blur for the most part for instance the golfers once they left for the next hole they were quickly forgotten in my mind. I only say this because when Swan had said "Omg that cute young guy I hope he comes back" I thought......what cute young guy? The best part is he was just there all of 20 minutes ago yeah clearly I didn't care that much haha. I also noticed that when girls work I don't really consider you well how should I put this a consistent worker I suppose? No that's not right but it's as close as I am going to get. I say this because the new girls that start they have to get through the first 3 months before I consider you well someone of true interest then once they get past 6 months I might consider you an employee. Girls come and go all the time you aren't truly remembered until you have been there a year or more There are some girls I wish would stay forever others who I am just waiting till there time is up. One of the girls is moving back to Wyoming, another moved a few weeks ago to California, and another girl got fired finally after what I thought was an overdue expiration date. I know I am being catty but I just didn't like her personality or her attitude at the store. However I think that is enough cattiness for one blog. I shall return again my awesome viewers!

xoxo, Syd

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Syd The Kid

I'm backkkk :)

I'm so sorry it's been months since I last posted on this blog. My laptop has been unusable since April but I am getting a new one soon. I finally moved into my friend's place in Laurel so I'll be closer to work yay! It's crazy how I've been there a year and a few months, my how time flies. Unfortunately a few girls that used to work with me no longer work at Hooters. One of our girls Stephanie retired her shorts last Friday she shall be missed, however it's for a good reason she is going to Law School so that's always a bonus haha.

Speaking of which for some odd reason I haven't been getting a lot of shifts. I mean I know I'm part time but I used to get 4-6 shifts a week now I'll be lucky if I get more then 2. I don't want to sound whiny but quite frankly I don't like how the girls work shifts are being scheduled. One of our old managers is no longer working with the company would schedule us equally. Now our new scheduler doesn't do that he basis's his shift scheduling decisions on favoritism which isn't fair. especially for the girls that have been here longer. It just blows my mind how practically all of the girls that work at my Hooters never want to work night shifts. I however didn't think we had that option you work when you are schedules to work. Unless there is a legitimate reasons for not doing so there should be no "Oh I hate nights I am just going to request off on all night shifts."

On another note football season has officially started I love wearing the jerseys! I personally like the referee jerseys better but that's just me haha. Also Halloween is coming up and we all know what that means.....HOOTERS HALLOWEEN COSTUME CONTEST!!!! I have been looking forward to doing it since I started working there. I couldn't participate last year because I was at school but now I transferred to a school that is closer for the time being. I need some costume ideas for the contest and for general party use. So far I have school girl, nurse, and military. The school girl thing is only because my nickname at work is Syd The Kid and we have another girl named Patricia who is nicknamed Pattie The Teacher. So I thought it would be amusing. I only chose Syd The Kid as a nickname that was the only one that rhymed and was flattering haha Sydney kidney is stupid and gross haha. So I need some ideas people comment below until then blog on bloggers!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Hell Week

So I didn't have time to write this when I got back but I had Spring Break recently from Feb 25- Mar 6. Yes I'm aware it was extremely early but my school gets out at the end of April so it makes sense for them to have their break early. Any who I had put on Hoot Staff that I wanted to work certain days and requested it I'm not sure what happened but they scheduled me to work from Feb 26 which is a Saturday at night till March 5th I was working literally every single day! I hung out with seven people so it wasn't so bad. I couldn't understand it though I was completely thrilled when I was at work usually after 3 back to back shifts I get cranky because I'm tired but not this time did every shift with joy. I worked at the Hooters of Baltimore Saturday morning March 5th it was fantastic well organized, bus boys were on point so were the girls when it came to the bar and birthday parties. It was like being busy didn't matter you stopped whatever you were doing for a picture or birthday if you had the time. It was very active so you didn't really relax much, they also didn't have regulars but that makes sense they mostly get tourist anyway. Your much more likely to sell merchandise there or get bigger tips because most people go for the experience. Oddly enough it took some getting used to Kiara and I both went to work that morning, we were used to greeting the door with "Hi, Welcome To Hooters!" and when we slung in orders we said "Order In" not here you just said hi and slung the order in. I honestly wouldn't mind working there again it gave me a whole new view of being prepared and prompt as well as organized. When I came back to work at my home Hooters of Laurel it was chaos it didn't make sense why it was hectic I say this because the girls were making everything chaotic it was like I was thrown into hell and my punishment was to fix everything. I had a fairly decent amount of tables and still managed to keep up with them while helping Lauren, our bartender, with delivering food and putting her dishes away as well as delivering orders for other girls. Yet they were having so much trouble and to busy to do one birthday. I was even more disgusted at the fact we had no drinking cups on the East side of the wait station nor knives and the dish tubs were full and unmoved. I was talking to Prisliza she has been here 11 months while I was here for 10 so were know the old ways this new batch of girls were trained rather poorly when it came to work ethic. Lauren agreed with me and she's been here for I think 2 or 3 years. Prisliza was saying that the only reason why the girls think John, manger of Hooters of Baltimore, is mean is because he does his job and he does it well. I was inspired that day to become a trainer I couldn't take it. I was on the ball but furious at how poorly they had control of the restaurant. When we had cuts I had tables on both sides and still kept up with them.
             The point is that I can't wait to come back for the summer and do my best to be the best. I gave up that idea when I was trying to avoid getting so many voids. Now I feel motivated to try different things with Hooters. I recently tried out for the 2012 HC, I plan to try out for the bikini contest, as well as do more promos. So tell me what you think I should focus on or if you want to know something in particular let me know.

                                                                                                                                 Ttfn xoxo, Hootie's Girl

Friday, February 11, 2011

Hi, Welcome to Hooters! ^_^

Yup that's exactly how I greet every customer at the door. That's what were supposed to do, greet them and smile then proceed to ask "Would you like a high top, low top, or a booth?". Your usually supposed to ask what table they would like based on the section given, but I like to give the customers an option so they don't feel forced to sit with just me. I've been working at Hooters now for nine months now and I'm a pretty fast learner. I had a goal when I first started working there and flipped open the Hooters magazine and saw Wendy Foster the Hooters Girl of the Year for 2010. That's when I knew I have to be that I want that title. Just as a side note because it will all make sense after awhile as you read my blogs. I since I hit puberty have considered trying to be a Playboy Bunny but I wanted to further my education and knew this would set me back. So I just kept it under wraps then one day I thought well Hooters is the next best thing. Not only will I have put myself on a pedestal but they have contests as well. Such as Hooters Girl of the Year, Hooters Bikini Contest, and other monthly things.

This is my second blog specifically meant to talk about what my Hooters life is like while I work there. I say this because I"m not one to give up a job so quickly. I'm 19 so I can't work the bar for a couple years and I really want to work bar so I'm going to be there for awhile or at least till I go to graduate school and transfer. I currently work at the Hooters of Laurel,MD, USA.

Until next time ^_^