Saturday, October 15, 2011

This Friday Night!

So yesterday was my first Friday in almost three months, for some odd reason everything just had to be out of whack that day. Not only did my panty hose not fit which is surprising because I didn't know hoses could NOT fit someone. Then the waist line for the panty hose kept falling down every 5-8 minutes so I was constantly running in the back or the bathroom to pull them up. I was having a downer day but didn't want it to interfere at work and I guess a few sad faces slipped out because some of our customers asked what was wrong. I kept reassuring them it was nothing...clearly it was haha. My regular Glen finally came back after two weeks of training for his new job yay him! He really made me feel better and the customers that night were really kind and nice so I had a good shift.

I realized that the best way for me to stay out of trouble is to focus entirely on my job and nothing else. Sure I can chit chat every once in awhile. I just can't do all this girl bonding haha it's just not a successful event for the most part...or at least for me anyway.

I've decided that my costumes this year are Newspaper Girl, Army Girl, and either either Harry Potter or Indiana Jones still deciding I might end up being a Butterfly or Fairy.

Well that's all for now later days =D

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